AMAMEDE (José Antonio Mamede de Albuquerque) Born in Cape Verde en 1943. Dual citizenship since 1974 came to later opt for Portuguese nationality.
Professor of Higher Education (Doctorate in Medicine) is dedicated to Painting since 1975. Exhibited for the first time in the "Artists Exhibition of Coimbra, organized in 1988 by the XI National Congress of Orthopaedics.
Associate Artistic Movement of Coimbra since 1988 began to collaboration, from 1994 to the teaching of Anatomy, Artistic aimed at students ARK-ETAC.
He is currently Associate Professor, School of Arts University of Coimbra where he teaches Anatomy Lecture (1st and 2nd years of various degrees).
In late 2004 he founded a company to disseminate art and health promotion, based in Coimbra. Besides being one of the managing partners of the firm is one of the resident artists of that company.
He is represented in several private collections of art collectors particularly among the middle university.